Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Wednesday 9th April 2008

Didn't expect to be able to do much on the lottie this week as the weather forecast at the weekend was not very good. However other than frost at night the weather has been excellent and I have been out on the lottie for the last few days.
Have been doing a bit of digging here and there, getting beds ready for planting up. Have done plenty of clearing up and weeding especially the creeping thistle as soon as it pops it's head above ground. Have created an extra bed at the bottom of the lottie which is usually used as a dumping ground.
Have planted out a few Chinese artichokes but will let the rest grow a lottie more before planting out. Sown 6 small rows of carrots all different varieties. The row of broad beans has been decimated by the crows so will have to use some fleece when I put the next lot out.
Finished off putting up the bean frames, now have three frames with 12 poles on each side. Intend to put a different variety on each side and both runner and french climbing. Will also be growing dwarf french.
Have had to try and restrict my time in the greenhouse as the local robin has decided to take up residence. Can't not go in but at same time want to give Bob every opportunity to raise his family.
The large propagator is being turned off during the day as it only has germinated plants in. Tomatoes are all doing well and am pricking out or potting on as required. Peppers and aubergines continue to grow very slowly and none have got to a size suitable to prick out. Have now sown 5 trays of various beans and as on tray germinates so another is sown (only have room for 4 trays in the propagator).
Am currently having problem with mice in greenhouse, probably due to the first batch of offspring of the year. They haven't done any damage yet but they are costing a fortune in bait.
Potatoes planted before Xmas continue to be doing well and I am tempted to see how well and see if I have enough for a meal. As I have loads of seed potatoes left I have planted up another 4 tubs 1 sarpo una, 1 charlotte and 2 pink fir.

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