Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sunday 13th April 2008

This is the second edition, had to come out of the last post as the computer started to play up and I had to restart it.
In the garden and on the lottie every thing has started to show signs of life. Beds are filling up very quickly now. All potatoes and onions are out in the beds had some spuds left so have planted up another 3 buckets with spuds. The ones planted before Xmas look great and I may have a look next week to see if I have any new spuds. All the carrots have been sown, although I may sow some late Autumn King if I get some space later on in the season. Early cabbages are doing well and I redid the fleece yesterday to try and keep the root fly out. The first of the parsnips and beetroot are out and doing well. Replanted the broadbeans that the birds had destroyed and have pot a net over them.
Continuing to pot up boards for raised beds and not many to do now, as boards are put up then the beds are dug over ready for planting.
Robin in the greenhouse is sitting on nest, can't see into nest so don't know how many eggs there are, Hopefully I will find out when the birds hatch.
Seed sowing has really slowed down now, mainly because of lack of space.

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