Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tuesday 25th March 2008

Picture of the two tomato/growbag frames in the garden. Don't think the covers are all that strong and am hoping they will survive any wind that we get. Still I've got plenty of repair tape ready. At least when I get the tomatoes in them they will stand a better chance against the blight than if they were out in the open. The one on the left has a tray each of broad beans, cabbage, rats tails radish and parsnips.

Completed filling up the second raised strawberry bed with home made compost and topped off with a bag of purchased compost. Planted out what plants were in pots in the greenhouse and need about nine more to fill the bed. Will await for some runners rather than purchase any more plants.

Weather has been great today and I've had a good day pottering around the garden and lottie.
Put up another growbag house and have moved the three bags of potatoes into it. Picture above.

Had the first casualties of the season, one marketmore cucumber has damped off and one seedling of achocha has gone funny and looks a bit sick. No doubt they wont be the last.

Planted out some red sun shallots which had been started off in some 1lt pots. Roots looked good and they should romp away now.

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