Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sunday 30th March 2008

It's amazing the difference in two days weather. Yesterday was wet and very cold had the heating on in the house all day. Today glorious sunshine all day turned the cenral heating off first thing this morning and still haven't put it back on yet.
Managed to get some more lottie dug over today, it was quite nice digging and even with all the rain yesterday the ground was quite dry.
Cut up some more old carpet to put on the paths. Went round with the trowel and dug up all the creeping thistle that is just starting to show through the soil. Only a couple of weeks now and the mares tail will be starting to show as well.
Planted out the 15 hispi cabbage, 15 broccoli ironman and 15 summer psb. Then made some fleece covers to go over the top of them. Don't usually have any problem with pigeons but there is always a first time and better to be safe than sorry.
Opened the front of the growbag frame that has the pots of potatoes in and they have been subjected to the lovely sunshine all day.
Tomatoes are doing very well and the first batch will soon be ready to go into 1lt pots. Have loads of peppers and aubergines but cant get them to grow past the seed leaves, maybe I'm just impatient.
Also planted out some perpetual spinach and rainbow swiss chard.
Pricked out some bronze arrow lettuce and some cabbage red drumhead.
Broad beans sown autumn are looking good and there is a lot of flower on them, only hope the insects have found them alright. There are bees about as I found a good god almighty size one in the porch today. Did my deed for the day and helped it get outside.
Temp in greenhouse got up to 31 today and that was with the door open, frost forecast for some parts of the country so have put all the fleeces on and lit the paraffin fire.

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