Sunday, March 23, 2008

Sunday 23rd March 2008

Had a day out at Trago Mills down in devon on Thursday. Good place for cheap stuff, bought some 1lt black pots 8p each, bought some derris seeing as it is being withdrawn from sale.
Purchased a small kiwi fruit and another blueberry. Potted on both the kiwi and blueberry as they were in smallish pots. Also purchased another growbag greenhouse, only £8.25.

Today built another propagator, just big enough for 64 individual pots. Heated with a soil warming cable. No top on it but it is only for potting on stuff that isn't frost tender.

Spent an hour or so on the lottie, planted out the cabbage Hispi, could have left them another couple of weeks but getting short of space and plenty of other cabbages for backup. Covered them with some enviro mesh to keep the birds off. Nearly forgot to put down the slug pellets.

Hoping to get out there tomorrow and do a bit of digging weather permitting. Also want to get the other strawberry bed up and running.

Pricked out alpine strawberries, moss curled parsley and tamarillo. Sowed some florence fennel.

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