Tuesday, January 15, 2008

14 January

This is the first year that I have started gardening so early. Usually Nothing gets done till I see other people planting stuff and then I think my god I'd better get a move on. I also think another reason for an early start is the propagator that I have been promising to build for the last couple of years. So far I have sown a tray of peas with a good germination rate, only two failed. Usually its the other way round and I only get two germinating. I have also sown some carrots in pots and I have 100% germination which once again is a first. I also sowed a try of onions in modules, although they didn't go in the propagator till a week or more after they were sown. So far I have a 75% germination on the onions. I have always used onion sets in the past but thought I would try a few seeds this year to see if I got any better and bigger onions.
I have today sown some summer brassicas to try and get a few early greens. Ive sown Broccoli Ironman, Cabbage Hispi and a summer edition of Purple Sprouting Broccoli. Never seen summer PSB before but it is a veg I love so thought I would give it a try.

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