Thursday, February 21, 2008

Thursday 21st February 2008

Weather is still cold and there is a bit of moisture in the air today. The ground is nice and dry though and I have dug over one of the raised beds ready for some spring planting.
New raspberry bed is now full and plants are showing some good signs of growth. Looking forward to harvesting later in the season.
Some of the autumn planted broad beans are looking a little bedragled due to the recent cold spell. Dont need the space at the moment so will leave to see if they pick up.
In the greenhouse every thing is doing alright and no losses to the frost yet. Still only one aubergine showing but hopeful the others will follow. Sown a different sort yesterday not named but from Seeds of Italy. Also sowed cabbage Copenhagen Market, Radish Cherry Belle, Ruby Chard, two gutters of Feltham First Peas and a root trainer full of broad beans.
Planted out the shallots from Cadbury GC as the roots were starting to come out the bottom of the pots. Don't think the alloted space for the onions etc is going to be big enough will have to look at the master plan.

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